Grouchy Golf Blog

Tuesday, June 27, 2006 at 8:42 PM
This Month Marks Two Years of Grouchy Golf!
I had heard that Google was giving away gmail accounts to users of Blogger, a subsidiary of Google. I figured, what the heck? I'll sign up for a stupid Blogger account to receive a Gmail account. That's easy. I waited and waited, and no gmail invite. I reasoned that I needed to actually use Blogger to receive that coveted Gmail invite. I had never even heard of "blogging". But I was so determined to get that friggin' Gmail account, I started a shill blog called "Grouchy Golf". My first post was short and sweet, because I figured that one post would qualify me for a Gmail account. But when I still didn't receive a Gmail invite, I created another post to better my chances. That began a vicious cycle: no invite, new post, spin cycle, repeat. Eventually, I directed some friends to Grouchy Golf for fun. They got a kick out of it so I continued to create new posts for our amusement. Two years later, and I'm still going strong! The ironic thing is that I never did receive that dog-gone Gmail invite from Blogger! Newman!
Eat Golf said...
Congratulations Grouchy! If I remember right, your first post was about a week before my first post and we quickly linked up. Remember the blogroll back then - There were only like 6 other golf blogs: bunker, blogger vance, MJ, nothree, golfblogger, Eat, and Grouchy... Congrats for hanging in there and giving us something to read (you too GB)
Blogosion said...
Do you want an invitation for gmail buddy ? ;-))
Keep on posting, that's so funny !
Cheers from France
JFB said...
Happy anniversary!
That's a great story how you got started!
I love Golfsmith as well, their Snake eyes components are the best.
I scored a good deal with your F&F discount: I got some Footjoys
$100 shoes priced at $79.
I'm picking them up locally(to save $12 UPS charge) for $55 (your discount saved me $23)
I've been having some heel pain w/my Bite shoes, so your timing is impeccable!
Thanks again, and I'm glad Google never sent you that email address,!
Congrats Golfie. I've been reading this blog for about a year, and you have an original perspective on our beloved game. That story of how you started blogging makes me laugh. It's funny the way things work out. I hope you're blogging in two MORE years.
Q-Ray Golf Bracelets
Congrats Grouchy,
Your now advertising Golfsmith.
From mean to sleaze in one week.
Can't wait for next week.
Thanks for the read and congrats for the two years. Kepp typing...
Also thanks code, managed to get two Mizuno MP wedges @ $50.00 off the pair. Even when you add in the int'l shipping still cheaper than I can source locally....
Jat said...
guess I should probably pick up a bag...or two.
Jess at Golf Bug said...
Congratulations on your Blog. I am a researcher for a new Internet television channel, , and have been looking at other golf blogs. Due to the success of your blog, any advice for a new-comer would be very appreciated.
Jess at
durante vita said...
Two years. Don't know if I can commit to anything for that long. Even if you did have different reasons for starting the blog. Congrats!
mediaguru @ said...
Grouchy: one of the originals and always one of the best. I remember when I started there were just four or five golf blogs out there. I wanted to be a big boy like the grouch....
Here's to two you buddy. (tips back frosty beverage)...
Pretty Pretty said...
Happy Anniversary! Keep bloggin' my friend...
BogeyMan said...
Way to go GG! You are one of the original golf blog pioneers and for that we all thank you.
Happy two year birthday.. Rock on for a hundred more!
Bogey (from BogeyLounge)
© Golf Grouch 2006