Here's the video!
Labels: Supination, SwingVision, Videos
Labels: Supination, SwingVision, Videos
when I try to pronate the left wrist I often dig into the turf and the ball doesn't go anywere.
Tom G. said...
I don't think it is wise to try to pronate, I think pronating is something that comes about as a result of other correctly made moves in the swing.
Tom G
This may very well be the finest capture of a clubhead at impact! Regarding Briny's left wrist: judging from the ripples of the water behind him, my guess is he was hitting a knockdown (i.e. trying to keep a lower trajectory) hence, the excessive pronation. To all you mid handicappers out there, don't try this at home
knockdown shot? Yeh, right. What every pro hits off the TEEBOX.... not.
Golf Grouch said...
Pronation is often confused with supination. Remember, the proper action is to supinate the left wrist through impact.
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